Monday, 9 January 2017

First day

So it begins, my journey into a career, so much was said and done by the end of it all I may miss out a few details but Ill give it my best to recall everything.
Grieg building photo

So today we were given a rough timetable that told us to meet up at the Greig building which was exciting, I arrived early so I was waiting a while, but when I finally was able to get it I began meeting some of the rest of my team, it wasn't long before everyone arrived and Siohban followed to introduce us to each other and gave us little name stickers.

She explained to each of us our jobs roles and our admin who will help us through our work. Ours was present although I don't recall her name she gave me and the other animator some research assignments to start, which I will today, it's just some simple searches on google for animated gifs for ideas for the Teesside logo. As well as this we were tasked to design some ideas on how to represent computer science properly as at the moment they only use stock images of random computer things in their leaflets and they don't really like it. We were given some booklets for examples and pastries for food then we were shown the staff room of the building, which was odd because I used to be a student here so to now be working with my teachers is really odd but fun!

Once we were done with that Siobhan let us go for a break, I went to the new library and just texted some people about the situation waiting and had some lunch, Soon I returned and we got to meet Ellie Land, the animator I mentioned in a previous blog.

She showed us her work and explained a lot about herself and how her and her team would work on the films we saw. The films themselves were really good and informative. She mentioned that lately the market for short informative 2d films are sky rocketing, so it's something I'm going to keep in mind for future projects. 

We took a short break, some of my team went to use the staff room but I just hung back, soon everyone was back though and we began to show our work to each other.  I'm really glad people liked my art and my style but the best thing was when I showed everyone my new video and even Ellie laughed a little.

I find it funny an animator of her experience can be amused by my utter poop. But hey I always said my main goal out of my career is to entertain, so Im very happy that it made people laugh. Once all this was done it was another quick summary before we were sent off home.

I am at home now and now I have written my blog Im off to do that research and send some emails, so see you all tomorrow for another update and hopefully I will be in an office!

By Gemma Stephenson

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