However not only was this week spent doing PHE animation research, we also did take a couple of practicals for students so that lecturers could mark their work, I took a second year animation class which was pretty much me watching them work, I ended up practicing duik instead, since they needed to get on. On Thursday I took a foundation year drawing class, which was more involving but it was still mostly me just sitting there and occasionally going round asking questions and looking at their work. Although all the students seemed really nice and accommodating. I mean for a new intern cover. Having a few more pounds in my pocket is never a bad thing too, I'm really glad I did it and I can put it on my CV and such.
Another final major thing that happened this week was that I got rather ill. I think there's some kinda flu going around our office since people seem to have got ill basically just around the room. I still came into work despite it but I started with a nasty headache then some more cold like symptoms. It was hard to slug through two days of work while pretty ill but hopefully I will get better over the weekend.
Next week, praying to the gods of luck I will DEFINITELY have started the PHE project. I know I've been saying this for a while now, But there has been some difficulties with script and client feedback and information. So hopefully this will be the last week where I say this and the last week where nothing of much substance has been made.
By Gemma Stephenson
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