Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Busy week

I honestly don't recall what I did on Monday Or Wednesday of this week. I assume it must have been a mundane average work day where i go on with duik or after effects practice. I do remember creating a digital version of the map we all discussed Tuesday on Wednesday though! I'm still fairly sick while I write this so I apologise. Anyhow this week was mostly speculative talk and research around the PHE project. We had a meeting with Ellie and we discussed the options we had on the table, Zoe and me were sent away to produce some research documents on a large file sent to us by the PHE to read and analyse, we did a good job however Zoe and Kaleigh had to go and do some stuff regarding another project. and we only got about a third of the way through with two whole whiteboard sized sheets of paper filled. I did a little more but I got too tired to keep going. by the time they came back it was close to home time so we decided to quit while we could and just discuss what we managed to get. We did with Ellie and managed to produce a prototype for the map on paper to kinda conceptualise what it might look like, I was tasked to do the paper map in digital form which is what you see here. After we had not much choice but to wait for client input. So we were tasked with practicing after effects and duik animation for future. I find the tutorials and tasks really useful and even managed to make a short sequence conceptualising visually some ideas maybe we could use for the animation.

However not only was this week spent doing PHE animation research, we also did take a couple of practicals for students so that lecturers could mark their work, I took a second year animation class which was pretty much me watching them work, I ended up practicing duik instead, since they needed to get on. On Thursday I took a foundation year drawing class, which was more involving but it was still mostly me just sitting there and occasionally going round asking questions and looking at their work. Although all the students seemed really nice and accommodating. I mean for a new intern cover. Having a few more pounds in my pocket is never a bad thing too, I'm really glad I did it and I can put it on my CV and such.

Another final major thing that happened this week was that I got rather ill. I think there's some kinda flu going around our office since people seem to have got ill basically just around the room. I still came into work despite it but I started with a nasty headache then some more cold like symptoms. It was hard to slug through two days of work while pretty ill but hopefully I will get better over the weekend.

Next week, praying to the gods of luck I will DEFINITELY have started the PHE project. I know I've been saying this for a while now, But there has been some difficulties with script and client feedback and information. So hopefully this will be the last week where I say this and the last week where nothing of much substance has been made.

By Gemma Stephenson

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Friday, 3 February 2017


For most of this week we were waiting for updates on the three projects we were involved in.

Firstly I will cover the campus tour. Since the other two projects take priority over this project, it has been on the back burner. However on Friday while Zoe was sick I managed to nearly complete the previs, We are so close to completing the final thing, after this well have to send it to Allison for feedback and probably meet with her, but I'm unsure of the action well have to take, as I say our focus should be on the newer projects.

The cyber security project was the most predominant this week, we did a lot of research and idea building around the concept. Unfortunately my research went into cyber bullying as I was mislead, but the research I did do shouldn't go to waste, as it has some relevance on the damage having poor cyber security can cause. I created some moodboards and referenced some videos and created a powerpoint highlighting some main themes I found in the animation of the videos which could be useful for later.
Once I got on the topic though I created a new powerpoint with deep analysis of two videos about the subject and core/key themes surrounding them. Similar to the image given however in much more depth.This researched consisted of going through the videos and highlighting keywords used and that I heard throughout the video. Then after going through each scene and picking out useful bits of information and animation techniques that are common in these types of videos. Finally I produced and idea summary at the end which listed concepts and ideas used commonly through the videos and what we could possibly use in our video.

Finally there is the weight loss project, we were not told much about this just to wait for information from the client. at the moment.

We were told some extra things on top of all this for example we may have the ability to take some practicals for students in the near future but we need information to clarify this. If it is a thing we maybe paid £20 per hour nearly triple our pay as interns.

Also it was a colleagues birthday and we had some cake in the office and sang happy birthday. :3

Can't wait for the following weeks!

By Gemma Stephenson

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